
Everything Can Change in a Day

Transform your visibility, planning, and performance with cloud Corporate Performance Management software that you can start using today.

  • Analysis
  • Reporting
  • Budgeting
  • Forecasting
  • Consolidation

InvoQuick, an analytics software, offers advanced webmaster analytics for project development. Leveraging technologies such as bot detectors, audience analysis tools, and advanced page analytics, InvoQuick provides comprehensive traffic evaluation, audience insights, and performance analytics. The platform also features a built-in advertising engine, traffic quality improvement tools, sales funnel creation, and in-depth source analytics to optimize conversion rates and maximize ROI. Technologies involved typically include advanced botnet analysis, user behavior analysis, tracking technology, and accounting algorithms for traffic quality measurement.


Our Features

Data Warehouse

Leverage Consolidated Company Data for World Class Decisions

The InvoQuick Data Warehouse is a next-generation, pre-configured data warehouse based on the world-leading Microsoft SQL Azure platform. Now all of your key data, whether in-house or cloud-based, can be stored and available for consolidated reporting, analysis, and dashboards.

Improve your financial planning and reporting with our InvoQuick data warehouse software. Check out examples of our CPM software in action or learn more from our InvoQuick Template series. Contact us today about how our software can transform your business.


Dashboards and Analytics

Access and Visualize Company Data for Quick Insights

With InvoQuick’s cloud-based web portal, your reporting and budgeting users as well as executives can also get access to dashboards. InvoQuick integrates directly with Microsoft Power BI, the world’s leading visualization solution. Dashboards help unify your most important assets – your people and your data.

These powerful, web-based dashboards help you visualize trends, identify issues, and ultimately drive success, whether you deploy on-premises or in the Cloud. InvoQuick’s Power BI connector and templates enables professional, near real-time dashboards for any data you load to the InvoQuick Data Warehouse.

Reporting and Consolidations

Automate and Streamline Your Reporting & Consolidation

InvoQuick’s cloud suite offers modern, dynamic reporting with out-of-the-box integrations to many of the world’s most popular on-premise and cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

The easy-to-use and flexible report writer offers cloud-connected Excel report design with a modern browser-based web portal that provides finance professionals and end-users with powerful financial and operational reporting capabilities in a variety of layouts and presentation formats.


Budgeting and Forecasting

Budget, Forecast, and Model with Diverse Data Types

A combination of automated budgeting and forecasting capabilities gives business leaders a comprehensive planning tool for future investments, cost control, reporting and analysis.

A modern budgeting solution not only provides process automation, time savings and more accuracy, but it also helps manage your financial expectations for future periods. The latest forecasting technology allows you to estimate your financial outcomes based on past data on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. These aspects of financial planning provide critical insights and competitive advantages for your company.

Expert Consulting

For your Understanding

We extend and optimize corporate performance management software by simplifying powerful functionality for business end-users and accelerating data source integrations for IT teams. We also bring a proven approach to solutions delivery that ensures successful implementation, end-user adoption and rapid return on investment.
